• geotest.engineers@gmail.com
  • +913324308103, +913324303494, +919007698604


Our Soil Mechanics Laboratory

We have our owned well equipped & computerised Soil Mechanics Laboratory with facilities for Triaxial tests (U.U, C.U & C.D) with pore pressure measurements, Direct Shear Tests, Consolidation Tests, Atterberg Limit & shrinkage limit Tests with Casagrande Tools, Specific Gravity Tests, C.B.R. Tests, Vane Shear Tests, Permeability Tests, Sieve Analysis & Hydrometer Analysis Tests & Chemical Analysis for Water & Soil Samples, all as per I.S.I. specification & rock testing facilities.

Our Field Testing Machineries & Equipments

We have our own field testing Machineries, all designed & manufactured as per standard I.S.I. norms. They are as follows:  

Mechanical borings rigs with all necessary accessories and equipments. 

Drilling rig -Calyx Geomachine with all necessary accessories and equipments  

Field CBR testing equipments with all necessary accessories 

 Field Vane Shear testing equipments with all necessary accessories  

Field Permeability apparatus  Electrical Resistivity Test equipments  

Block Vibration test equipments  

Core Cutter and sand replacement cylinders for field density test  

Pile Load testing equipments with all necessary accessories  

Plate Load testing equipments with all necessary accessories  

Static Cone Penetration & Dynamic Cone Penetration test equipments with all necessary     accessories.  

Surveying instruments like Total Station Theodolite, Plane table, Ranging Staff, Auto Levels etc